
New updates and improvements to Training Tilt

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Better linking of videos and recipes in PDF plans


We've just changed the way videos and recipes are linked in PDF exports of training and meal plans.

Previously a recipe or video had to be set to public for it to be accessible by a non-logged in user. And even if you set the resource to "public" PDF's that were downloaded in the past would not re-link to the public version so would still be a problem.

We've now implemented a "link resolution" that first figures out where the video is and then links to a publicly available page regardless of whether the video or recipe was set to public at the time the PDF was exported.

This means that if the status of videos or recipes changes any PDF's will still link correctly for those who've paid for or downloaded your plans in the past. The links will also work if you ever change your URL to your Training Tilt site.

The change applies to any PDF's downloaded from now on.