
New updates and improvements to Training Tilt

  1. New Workout View in Beta

    New Feature
    Coach Feature
    Athlete Feature

    We've just pushed a new beta feature live. It's a new "View" mode of planned workouts in calendar mode on the web version of the platform.

    Currently when a coach or an athlete opens a workout it shows the editable view. This is good while you a planning workouts but not that good if you just want to see the details of the workout without needing to edit it. It should make it clearer for athletes and coaches what has actually been prescribed without needing to click through the tabs.

    The new screen is not the default view and you need to select it from the context workout menu, but once we iron out any issues it will be come the new default view when you click on a planned workout. Please test it out and let us know any feedback so we can make any changes or suggestions before it becomes the default view.

    You can open it from the context menu on a workout here (and don't forget about the new analysis view for completed workouts we launched a while back too)



    You can also access the new view inside the current workout view.

    You can see from the screenshot below of an example workout you can see everything you need to know about the workout in a single screen, including the description, structured workout, downloadable files.


    Some Details

    Downloadable workout files are now inside a new toolbar alongside an "Analyze" button to switch to the Analyze view of a completed workout.

    Switch to Analyze


    Download Workout Files

  2. Strava Downtime


    Hey! Sorry to say that Strava had some major issues yesterday which resulted in some downtime and problems with our sync service.

    It looks like this might have resulted in some athletes being disconnected from Strava.

    If you aren't seeing your athlete data coming through from Strava or your athletes mention it to you, they may just need to reconnect their Strava account to get up and running again.

    Apologies for any inconvenience here!

    Here is the guide to share with your athletes if they need to reconnect their account. 

    Once reconnected your or they can manually sync up any completed workouts that were missed. The guide for that is included at the bottom of the same article.


  3. Select Lap to Zoom

    Coach Feature
    Athlete Feature

    In our new activity analysis view you can now select a lap which will automatically zoom the timeline charts for power, pace, heart rate etc.

    When you want to reset the zoom click the refresh icon.

  4. Swim Pace in Minutes per 100

    Coach Feature
    Athlete Feature

    In our new workout builder pace will now show as minutes per 100 m by default instead of the mins per km or mile that was previously used.

    This was always difficult for coaches to prescribe swim pacing.

    Also when setting up an athletes zones the pace will also show as minutes per 100m. We've chosen not to use yards here because although the US is not using the metric system, many pools and official races are measured in meters.

    You can still force a workout to use yards if you would prefer, but zones setup will always be in meters for the Swimming workout type.


  5. Fixed slow loading workout insights


    We've just released an optimization that has improved the performance of loading the insights for individual workouts.

    We changed out one of processors that was calculating peak power, heart rate and pace inefficiently.

    If you have noticed workout insights loading very slowly this should make an exponential differences.

    The workout we were using for benchmarking was taking 51 seconds to load, and now after the fix is now taking less than 2.5 seconds.


  6. Activity Search - New Filters

    Coach Feature

    On our new activity search page you can now filter by activity type and search for completed activities by name. These are additional to the existing date filters.




    The Activity Type filter has two sections, the first where you can search by all main activity types that will include any of your own custom types. For example if you select "All Running' it will search for Running, but also Trail Running or any of your other custom types with Running as it's base type.


    The name filter will start filtering as you type

  7. Performance Insights Enhancements

    Coach Feature

    We've just released some improvements to the new Performance Insights page with 3 new charts and the ability to filter by activity type. We've also added a few more metrics to the new individual activity screen.

    New Individual Activity Metrics

    We've added a few new metrics to this view, including VI (Variability Index) for power. You can get to these new screens from the activity search, or by clicking on the three bars on the calendar of a completed workout.




    Activity Type Filtering

    You can now filter the charts by activity type. The first set of types will filter by grouping all running, all cycling etc. Where the second section will filter by the exact activity type.



    New Charts

    Heart Rate

    The new Heart Rate chart plots, maximum, average and minimum heart rate trends over time.



    The new Power chart plots average power, normalized power and the power variability index (VI) over time.



    If you and your clients are tracking their weight over time, this chart will also display to show.


    What's Next?

    We have a few more charts in the works but before we add them, we will be adding a new feature to the insights page so coaches and clients can configure which charts they see and which they don't.

  8. Activity Comments Now Formatted as a Conversation

    Coach Feature

    Prior to this release, coach and client comments were lumped into two separate fields and it was difficult to tell when each comment was made if there were multiple comments for an activity. It was also not possible to tell which coach left which comment if there were multiple coaches leaving comments for clients.

    Syncing messages are also now included as part of the conversation in separate color coded message bubbles.

    The new format is currently only available in the web version in the new version of the activity analysis screen. This will be merged into the old calendar view, but can currently be access from the calendar view from the bar menu on each activity as well as the new activity search screen.


    Accessing New Activity Analysis from Calendar



    Conversation View on Activity Analysis



    Quick Feedback From Activity Search

  9. AI Workout Builder 3 x Faster

    Coach Feature

    We've just released an updated version of our AI Workout Builder and Assistant Coach "Tyler".

    Tyler can now create workouts at least 3 x faster than their previous efforts. Tyler is now more accurate in matching total workout durations.

    Tyler also now includes a more detailed description of the workout with the intervals listed out.

    The workouts are now also populated with our new effort scores features, and if you are creating run workouts the workouts will include both power and pace based targets.

    More to come soon!




  10. Estimated Future Load Scoring

    New Feature
    Coach Feature
    Athlete Feature

    We've released some new features around future load scoring by automatically estimated load when creating a new structured workout. You can also manually add effort and intensity factors for both structured and non structured workouts.

    Note: for now existing workouts won't have any estimated load values set but we are currently working on a migration tool that will calculate the values for existing workouts in your workout library. For now you will need to open an existing workout and save it again for the estimates to be applied.

    Load estimates have only been implemented for the new structured workout builder not the old workout builder.

    To estimate the load for a workout open a workout from your library or create a new workout and use the new workout builder button.

    For existing workouts you can now just save the workout and it will save the estimated values. For new workouts the values will recalculate each time you add or edit an interval for the workout.


    As you configure each interval the values that the interval is contributing to the overall load scoring will also be visible.


    You can manually alter the effort scores inside the workout builder if you'd prefer


    For non structured workouts you can also just manually edit the values inside the detail tab of the workout itself.



    Now once a clients calendar has the estimated effort scores you will also see the daily and weekly estimates vs the actual values on the calendar.





    Once you have prescribed workouts with load estimates onto a clients calendar you can now also see the performance management chart values plotted into the future if you select future dates on the performance dashboard.

