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Cooper V02 Calculator + Custom Calculator Pages

Coach Feature

We've just added a new calculator to the list of calculators on the web version of the platform. We've also added a way to add custom pages to your site that will default the calculator page to a specific tab/category.

Cooper Test Calculator

The Cooper test is a 12 minute test that estimates a runners V02 max based on how far thye can run in that time period. It also provides a generalized rating based on the athletes age and gender.



The calculator will be available on the mobile app in one of the next releases.

Custom Calculator Pages

You can now add custom pages to your clients private site or your public website.

To create a custom page to default to a specific calculator tab you need to use the following url path. Note: You need to replace <categoryname> with the actual category you want to use. Once you know which url path to use you can follow this guide on creating custom pages 

For the members area


For the public website


Each tab has a specific category name you must use

Training Zones

/membership/calculators?category=training-zones or



/membership/calculators?category=running or



/membership/calculators?category=triathlon or


Heart Rate

/membership/calculators?category=hr or


Sweat Rate

/membership/calculators?category=sweat-rate or



/membership/calculators?category=swim or
