All Announcements

Faster and Easier Workout Comments

Coach Feature
Athlete Feature

We've just released some new features that should make the coaching workflow much faster and easier in terms of creating and replying to workout comments for coaches and athletes.

There are a few parts to this feature, the first is that coaches and athletes can now leave feedback from the new beta analysis view for a specific workout.

The second part is that feedback and comments are now visible in the new "Activity Search" screens for both athletes and coaches.

Feedback From Activity Search Screen


Coaches can get here from the search icon from any athlete page.

Here on older pages


Or here on newer pages


Athletes can get here from the main menu



Clicking on either the Feel Score Icon or the message icons will popup a feedback window, where you can add Feel Score, Actual RPE or read and leave comments.



There are four versions of the comments icon for each state.

Single yellow is a message left by someone else that might need a reply

Single green is a message left by you but has not had a reply

Double green is where both coach and athlete have left messages

Outline blue means there are no comments yet



Leave Feedback on New Workout Analysis

You can also now leave feedback on the new workout analysis view.


You can leave Feel Scores and Actual RPE as well as leaving and replying to comments.

