New Notifications for Goals and Events
We've just released two new notification types for Client Goals and Events.
Coaches can receive a notification when any of their assigned athletes creates, changes, removes or marks a goal as being achieved.
Athletes can also configure the notifications for when the coach is the one that makes the changes to goals.
A similar feature for Events where coaches will be notified when an event is created, changed or removed by an athlete. The athlete has the same set of notifications for when the coach adds, changes or removes the event from the events list.
There are two new settings for the notification on the notification settings page. These notifications are turned on by default.
Both these types of notifications include a link to go directly to the goal or event in the web app.
New Settings for Athlete

New Settings for Coach

Notifications for Athlete Goals and Events
Add four new notifications types that can be configured as on or off similar to the notes notifications. One for the athlete and one for the coach When one of your athletes creates or updates a goal When your coach creates or updates a Goal for you When one of your athletes creates or updates an event When your coach creates or updates an Event for you