  1. Add the current "Client Notes" feature to the mobile app

    Currently client notes can only be used on the web app. This is a popular feature with our coaches and needs to be available in the mobile apps so it's more easily accessible. This will likely improve the adoption of this feature for clients and result in better communication between clients and coaches.

    Cam Langsford
    #Communication Tools πŸ’¬


  2. While importing workouts load data ist not saved

    When importing a workout file it looks like this regarding the planned load (first pic). When going into the workout builder it is there (second pic) and after just opening and saving it on the details page too (third pic). Not sure if this should happen automatically?

    Carsten H
    #Bug πŸ›


  3. Make it easier to communicate with a single athlete

    Today I went through all the communication options. First, there is the comment box below the workouts which I wish would allow more communication than the 2 boxes. For example, if the athlete asks a question regarding the specific workout before the coach can answer, the communication is over. No space for another question from the athlete or feedback after finishing the workout, think that would be a great addition. Then I clicked on chat and found that itΒ΄s more like a social feed which is great but does not allow to contact a single athlete. Found that you can click on bulk messaging and then just select a specific athlete but which this would be more easier

    Carsten H
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Communication Tools πŸ’¬


  4. Structure for building strength workouts

    Idea is to keep the strength workouts in a structured form as well instead of just adding things in terms of description. Whenever strength workout is selected as a type, there should be change appearing on screen while adding workout like rows and columns. Rows will be for each exercise details Columns can be -Exercise name (where there should be the ability to select particular exercise added centrally either in library or in videos whatever it can be) -Sets -Rep count (there should be the ability to set this reps based on either counter as 1-20 or something and also the ability to set them based on the duration like 10 secs of particular exercise or 30 secs of particular exercise) -Rest ratio between each set and between variation of exercises Time under tension This could be used for any type of workouts like strength, mobility, yoga, flexibility, etc.

    Tushar B
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  5. Performance Management Chart

    A Chart to show training stress. The chart would compare fatigue, fitness and form to give coaches and athletes an idea of how their training load is tracking. These types of charts are a useful tool, however should only ever be used as part of determining appropriate work and rest for an athlete

    Cam Langsford
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Data Analysis πŸ“ˆ


  6. Folders for Training Plans

    This would be helpful to reduce the clutter of having all training plans in one big alpha-ordered list. The coach could then place plans in created folders tailored to their coaching, ie. 5K Plan folder, 10K Plan folder, Marathon Plan folder. It will allow for quicker access and just better organization.

    Bob M
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  7. Better messaging using audio, video, text, content and training data

    Imagine a place within Training Tilt where you can text, send audio, or video messages (even record you screen) to your athletes. You can even drag and drop content from your library right into the chat including planned and completed workouts and training data. We think this would be a great feature and asset to the platform, a truly integrated messaging system with your athletes their data and your content

    Cam Langsford
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Communication Tools πŸ’¬


  8. Make it faster and easier to comment on workouts in the mobile app

    Currently there a few steps/clicks for coaches and athletes to be able to comment on completed workouts. This should be easier to access and faster to achieve to promote better communication between coaches and athletes

    Cam Langsford
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Communication Tools πŸ’¬


  9. Tracking of a women's menstrual cycle

    These areas are really important to the women athletes I train and it would be cool to be able to track, a. then I can give them harder or easier workouts depending on where they are more beneficial in their cycle. Would be happy to collab you on this as I am taking a Course with Stacy Sims in November on the topic. Just a thought Cam. Maree L

    Cam Langsford
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Communication Tools πŸ’¬#Data Analysis πŸ“ˆ


  10. Import Structured Workouts

    We want to add the ability to import structured workouts that are exported as files from other platforms. Handy for coaches who use more than one coaching system or a migrating from another platform. The initial release will be probably ZWO (Zwift) and FIT (Garmin) file formats. Instead of having to build a structured workout manually you will be able to import a file and the workout will be generated automatically.

    Cam Langsford
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Workout Builder πŸ“Š#Integrations πŸ”—


  11. Add perceived effort to workouts

    PE is a common and useful measure for coaches to both prescribe workouts and for athletes to feed back on completed workouts. We plan to add these as a prescription field but also a feed back field so both planned PE and actual PE can be measured

    Cam Langsford
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Data Analysis πŸ“ˆ


  12. Ability to customize the colors of different workout types

    It would be great for coaches to be able to configure their own color scheme for the different workout types they use. This would make it possible to color code the default workout types but also create your own custom workout types and color code those. For example you may wish to create custom workout types for different intensity runs like "Easy Run", "Tempo Run" etc all with a different color code.

    Cam Langsford
    #Custom colors and styles 🎨


  13. Allow an athlete to set training availability times on the calendar

    Sometimes an athlete knows in advance if they aren't going to be able to train as usual due to work, vacation etc. If the athlete, or Coach, could block out part of the calendar with specific details it would help with forward planning

    Rob D
    #Communication Tools πŸ’¬#Experience 😊#Client Management πŸ‘₯


  14. Automatically hyperlink videos and other urls in the description of a workout

    Often coaches paste in links to resources that exist on web pages like youtube videos etc. These currently just show as plain text but would be a better experience for clients if they were automatically turned into clickable URL's

    Cam Langsford
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  15. Calendar Appointment Booking

    Many of our coaches need to book one on one appointments with their clients. Some handle this manually going back and forth with email, others use tools like Calendly so it's mostly automated in terms of matching available slots and can be integrated with platforms like Zoom. This is a feature that could get very complicated with linking to calendars to automatically determine availability. Our version would be very simple at least to start with. The ability for the coach to create availability slots and for someone to book them which would then block off that time, then send an meeting request to both parties via email. Later on we might implement automatic availability by reading the coaches Google calendar and also Integrating with Zoom to automatically generate meeting links.

    Cam Langsford
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Communication Tools πŸ’¬#Integrations πŸ”—
